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Rodent Exterminator

Rodent Exterminator

The threat of rodent invasion is something that shouldn’t be underestimated. Even the newest homes are susceptible to being invaded by rats, mice, squirrels, and other rodents. While you can take steps to ward off rodents yourself, utilizing the expertise of rodent extermination experts like those at Critter Control® of Gainesville is the best way to maintain the health of your home.

Why are Rodents so Dangerous?

One of the biggest threats that rodents like rats and mice pose to your family is the carrying and transmission of infectious diseases that range from the somewhat common salmonellosis, to potentially life threatening ailments like Hemorrhagic Fever or Lymphocytic Chiro-meningitis (LCM). These home invaders put your loved ones in more danger than you may think.

In addition to any health risks they pose, rodents also put your home in danger. Rats and mice commonly gnaw on wooden rafters, beams, cabinets, and electrical wiring which not only creates expensive repairs for you, but can create a fire hazard as well.

How do I know if I have Rodents?

Strange scraping noises coming from inside your walls or attic, the smell of urine throughout the house, or bite marks on food containers in your kitchen are telltale signs of rodent activity. When they do invade your property, they are often anything but easy to get rid of, and they should be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Don’t let an infestation put your home and family in danger. Call our rodent extermination experts at 352-372-3922 to schedule a free home inspection. From there we can help build a plan to completely remove the pests while keeping your loved ones safe.